Call for Grease Trap Pumping in Indianapolis, IN

by | Sep 3, 2013 | Emergency Supplies


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When you own a restaurant and you’re well known for preparing the best food in the county, you’re going to need a company to clean out your restaurant grease trap in Indianapolis, IN.

You can sign up for regular cleanings and when inspectors stop by to check on cleanliness and conformity at your restaurant they’ll get a nice surprise. Companies will give you an estimate of the costs involved in regular maintenance of your grease traps along with management programs for all restaurants, hospitals and anywhere else food is prepared that needs grease removed and pumped out of grease traps. Keeping the traps clean prevents odors and accidents from occurring at your place of business.

Along with regular Grease Trap Pumping in Indianapolis, IN, many companies also offer other services to keep businesses and households running smoothly. If you have clogged drains, sewer backups, or need a septic tank cleaned, just give them a call. Any type of sanitation service you need, they can do. They can use a high velocity flusher to wash out drains or a water jet to clear out drain lines. Companies also use a video camera to look down into the drains and see the exact thing clogging it. The camera eliminates the need for large machines digging in areas where drains aren’t clogged.

Some of the companies in your area have been in business over 60 years and are very well known and respected for the way they’ve always treated their customers. Other companies, although not quite as old, are also ready to help you with all your sanitation needs. You can read about each type of sanitation job they can quickly complete for you. Some companies also offer portable toilets and hand washing services that are very easy to enter and exit, for people who are holding major events such as weddings, reunions, sporting events, private parties and outdoor festivals. These are cleaned and sanitized and safe for everyone to use. They can be rented for just one day or by the month.

For drain cleaning servicing, outdoor portable toilet rentals, septic tank cleaning and grease trap pumping, just give a company a call and get your restaurant signed up for regular maintenance. By doing this, you are ensuring good reports from inspectors, a clean smelling food service restaurant, and peace of mind.



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