Buying clove cigars is a great choice for people who want a unique taste. Conventional cigars have a menthol flavor. They are usually made using standard tobacco. However, the manufacturing process for clove cigars is different. The tobacco is mixed with dried clove spice during the early stages of the process. That’s why the final product usually has a special autumnal flavor.
One of the most popular cigars in this category is the Djarum Clove cigars. Djarum has been around for years now. The company used to sell clove cigarettes before, but since a law was passed by the US government, they had to replace their cigarettes with cigars.
That doesn’t mean that the company compromised on its authentic flavor or premium design, however. The Djarum clove cigars still retain their unique scent and taste, and the unique aroma of Indonesian tobacco is easily recognizable from quite a distance. If you are interested in buying this special brand of cigars, you can get them through our website at Cheap Little Cigars.
Because of their special nature, not many cigar shops keep this brand. However, Djarum has a cult status amongst avid smokers, mainly because of its unique texture and flavor. Clove cigars have become pretty popular amongst several consumer demographics, and are especially preferred by people who become bored of the standard tobacco flavor. We believe it’s safe to say that Djarum Clove Cigars are a great choice and a viable addition to the affordable cigars category.
Why Buy From Cheap Little Cigars?
Cheap Little Cigars is America’s top cigar shop. Our main aim is to satisfy customers in the best way we know how: by offering unbeatable prices. You can search through a variety of the top American cigar brands, and take your pick! Staying true to its name, we carefully research the market in order to make sure that our prices are the lowest!
While Cheap Little Cigars was primarily created to offer a variety of different cigars, you can also get humidors, pipes and lighters from the website too. Clove cigars are different from conventional cigars, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll have to pay extra!
Extra Features
Cheap Little Cigars has an amazing deal of the day section which is updated on a daily basis. We strive to bring the best deals for our customers, discounting the prices significantly so you can get the best cigars at the lowest rates. If you buy Djarum cigars through our website, we guarantee you the best price! Also, we accept payments via Master Card or VISA, making it easy for you to pay. All orders are shipped via FedEx, USPS or UPS, so you’ll have your cigar carton within a couple of days!